Exalting God, Edifying Believers, Evangelizing the Lost



By Michael Youssef, Ph D.  06/17/23

No matter how frustrated or anxious we become, we do not have to lose hope. Our hope should never be in ourselves or in our abilities, nor should it be in other people. We constantly stumble in our efforts, and at some point, others will likewise let us down. But there is someone who has kept every one of His promises to us: the living Christ, our everlasting hope.

Christ Jesus is our joy. He is our peace. He is our fulfillment. If we try to get joy from our feelings or possessions, we will be frustrated and disappointed. These things lack power—they are fleeting and feeble. However, if we find our joy in the Lord and trust in His Word, we will experience hope—regardless of our circumstances.

As His children, we have a hope in Christ, who never fails. We can know a life filled with contentment, peace, joy, praise, and love when we commit our way to God. Moreover, as long as we are consumed with fear, envy, pride, selfish ambition, and greed, we cannot be filled with God’s Spirit. The choice is ours—contentment in Christ or discontentment in ourselves.

Christ is waiting with open arms. Thirst for Him. Come to Him in humility. Recognize that He has the answers for your feelings of fear and despair. Don’t give up. God is always with you—”Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your love. In Your presence is fullness of joy. My soul rejoices in You. I choose contentment in Christ, and I thank You for Your salvation. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:2).

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